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So, biz.nf by default blocks most audio/video content.

(Full list: .htacl, .htaclu, .avi, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mpeg, .ram, .asf, .quota, .vbs, .shs, .scr, .exe, .cmd, .torrent, .wmv, .wma, .rm, .zip, .rar, .gz, .tgz)

I'd like the reader to take a moment to read it again. Then for the reader to remember that there are a lot of file formats, like .webm and .ogg and .mp4 - however it is possible that the audio/video formats blocked are the most "bloating" but my point stands. Get ready to have symphonies playing on my site. As of writing this I am currently writing a "log-in" jingle, a "welcome" jingle (that plays only for the first time - unless page is hard refreshed!) and other unneeded jingles.

- C4R1N4